About Us

Creating a Win-Win Situation

Running a business takes more than hard work – it takes capital. The Fund Finders® understands your need for investors who believe in your vision, not just your balance sheet. For over 14 years, we've helped businesses and governments secure millions in funding, specializing in public-private-philanthropic partnerships, government funding, traditional funding sources, contracts and grants.

Our deep industry knowledge and proven process mean you don't waste time with investors who aren't a good match. We prioritize finding the right funding terms to support your specific growth goals.

If you want to learn more about funding purchase our guides and books. If you know of an organization that would like for us to provide training to their audiences please use the contact form and send us an email. We are open for partnerships. 

Ready to find investors who will propel your business forward? Contact our consultants at Affinity Consulting Group. Schedule a Call 

Let's Collaborate! Training & Guide Partnerships

Expand Your Offerings with Our Guides & Training

Interested in Partnership Opportunities?

Let's explore ways to integrate our proven financial guides and training into your programs. We can email a course catalog upon request!

We desire partners who want to enhance client offerings with expert financial resources from practitioners. Our training focuses on the step-by-step instructions for securing funding, government contracting, coupled with strong accountability and a community! We do not provide overview training! 

Indicate your partnership interest in the Tell Us About Your Request Section (i.e. Training Integration, Guide Licensing, Consultation with Affinity Consulting, or Other).