Entrepreneurship Courses

Access to Capital Funding

When it comes to securing the bag, sometimes you have to think outside the box. This course gives you six innovative ways to get capital and get it working for your business. Discover how to launch a crowdsourcing campaign, secure angel investors, and more.
What makes our Access to Capital Funding course unique is our focus on hands-on practical training. We provide step-by-step guidance on how to access different capital sources for your business. Our experienced trainers are equipped with tools and resources that can help you get the funding you need quickly and efficiently.
Businesses are often faced with the challenge of raising funds, which is why we created this course. Our customers need it because it is the perfect solution for anyone looking to take their business to the next level. We teach you how to access capital from multiple sources, which ultimately helps you grow your business and improve your bottom line.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to get the finance you need to take the next step in your business journey. With Fund FindersTM, you'll gain the confidence and knowledge to build a successful business. Sign up today and get started!

Let's Collaborate! Training & Guide Partnerships

Expand Your Offerings with Our Guides & Training

Interested in Partnership Opportunities?

Let's explore ways to integrate our proven financial guides and training into your programs. We can email a course catalog upon request!

We desire partners who want to enhance client offerings with expert financial resources from practitioners. Our training focuses on the step-by-step instructions for securing funding, government contracting, coupled with strong accountability and a community! We do not provide overview training! 

Indicate your partnership interest in the Tell Us About Your Request Section (i.e. Training Integration, Guide Licensing, Consultation with Affinity Consulting, or Other).